MKEMMA 2018:Daily Habits

It is so good to be reminded of how important it is to do the required exercises daily and faithfully. This is the only way we can impact our Subconscious Mind that is the seat of habit and we want to build good habits. What are good habits? Whatever helps you to focus your mind on positive things and Truth. Doing daily physical exercises, making healthy choice meals, focusing on positive thoughts and truth and holding very clear picture of who you are and what you want for your life!


Yes, this is not easy and doesn’t happen overnight but it does happen as we take one step at a time focusing on our daily activities that are given in our webinar and from daily reading.

I recall this passage in the Bible, Philippians 4:8Whatever is True, whatever is Noble, whatever is Right, whatever is Pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is Admirable, if anything is Excellent or Praiseworthy think about such things.”

That’s it, whatever we are thinking of is impacting our subby so I strive to abide by this verse of training my mind to focus on these things.

I am really enjoying all my readings because I am seeing certain things that I didn’t see the first time when I went through MKEMMA last year.

Focusing my mind on my “Intention” and paying “Attention” to what goes within me and around me became definitely easier so I can catch myself quicker when I see myself drifting off.

It is still a process of fine tuning my skills to be able to effortlessly apply these skills and I am excited to see more of my growth through this second round of journey.

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